Former North Little Rock Mayor Patrick Henry Hays, a third generation railroad worker who later became an attorney and entered politics, died Wednesday, Oct. 4. He was 76. The cause of death was cancer, his family said.
I interviewed Hays twice over several decades about his work to preserve the Rock Island bridge over the Arkansas River, which at one point was slated to be torn down. Below is audio and a transcript of our final interview, which also delved into his experiences working as a Missouri Pacific fireman and brakeman while in college. He was always a pleasure to speak with.
Former North Little Rock Mayor Pat Hays speaks during the dedication ceremony for the renovated Rock Island Bridge, which was renamed the Clinton Presidential Park Bridge. Photo: Clinton Foundation screenshot
In the mid-1990s, Hays, Little Rock Mayor Jim Dailey and Pulaski County Judge Buddy Villines oversaw the revitalization of the cities’ downtown areas. One component of that, as I reported in 1996, was to keep the century-old Rock Island Railroad Bridge from being removed. The three took part in negotiations with Union Pacific, which acquired the bridge after the 1980 bankruptcy shutdown of the Rock Island. Union Pacific had said in 1989 that it planned to dismantle the bridge which hadn’t been used in about five years and was considered a liability because it was a hazard to river navigation.
As part of my research on the Rock Island, I interviewed Hays at his law office on Nov. 23, 2017 about why he felt it was important to save the bridge. After reaching an agreement with Union Pacific, the bridge remained largely untouched — seemingly abandoned to unknowing eyes — until $10.5 million in work was finally completed to convert it into a pedestrian and cycling bridge that is at the eastern end of the 14-mile Arkansas River Trail. I covered the dedication ceremony for the renovated bridge on Sept. 30, 2011, in which Hays spoke alongside former President Bill Clinton, whose presidential library is adjacent to the bridge.
In my interview, Hays also talked about his five years working for the Missouri Pacific, which his father and grandfather had also worked for. It was a typical story for young people in railroad families.
“Back in 1965 when I graduated from high school, I started taking my student trips the next morning — graduated one night and then I was up at 4 or 5 the next morning,” Hays said. “They needed folks to work during the summer because a lot of the folks would take vacations. We would work off of what they called the extra board and that was just simply a rotation of regular jobs that people had that they wanted off.”
North Little Rock has always been a railroad city, with a sprawling rail yard that today belongs to the Union Pacific. The Rock Island’s primary yard for the state had also located in the city until 1918, when Biddle Yard was constructed in south Little Rock. North Little Rock was also served by the Cotton Belt Railroad, with a passenger station that Hays recalled sitting on top of as a kid to watch circus trains pass. We also talked about his appointment to be chairman of Amtrak’s Mayors Advisory Council, as well as rail transportation elsewhere in the world.
It was a rather informal interview as I primarily wanted to document his recollections and ask for any additional details he could offer regarding the Rock Island. I had grown up in North Little Rock and explained to him my vantage point as a child seeing the final trains of the Rock Island passing in front of my elementary school. Hays was very generous with his time and I’m happy to share audio of the interview here. You can also read a transcript with much of the interview, while I have highlights of our conversation below.
AUDIO: Part 1 of my interview with former North Little Rock Mayor Pat Hays on Nov. 23, 2017, discussing working for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
AUDIO: Part 2 of my interview with Hays on his work to save the Rock Island Bridge and other railroad topics.
Hays served longer than any other North Little Rock mayor, in office from 1989-2012. He previously represented the area in the Arkansas House of Representatives. A funeral service is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 12, 3 p.m. at North Little Rock First Pentecostal Church at 1401 Calvary Road.
Hays discussed the expansion of railroads in central Arkansas and how that led to multiple railroads building rail yards and shops in North Little Rock.
When the rails finally… They came over from Memphis and came down from St. Louis, and they obviously stopped initially in North Little Rock because there wasn’t a rail bridge at the time, or any [Arkansas River] bridges at the time. Because they were ferried across the river, and that obviously was somewhat of a slow process, from what I understand from a historical standpoint, they would take that time and tinker with some of the maintenance issues that they had to do. One thing led to another, and that’s in large measure why North Little Rock became somewhat of a railroad town. When the rails reached here, they paused in going across the river because they had to ferry them.
The Baring Cross Bridge became the first rail bridge built across the Arkansas River, opening in 1873. Just to the east, the original Junction Bridge was constructed in 1884. At the easternmost end of the bridges between Little Rock and North Little Rock, the Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad constructed a 1,200-foot bridge that opened in 1899. In 1902, that railroad was taken over by the Rock Island. Hays told me about his work for the Missouri Pacific, which primarily involved crossing the Junction Bridge.
I used that bridge when we were working on the Valley Division. There was a rail yard — I guess it’s pretty much where the Clinton Library and the Heifer Project are now — and we would go over there when the job picked back up in terms of needing substitute folks. We had what we called the full crew law back in the 1960s, and perhaps before then, where you had to have an engineer, a fireman, a conductor and two brakemen. So you had to have five employees on each freight train. On the yard jobs, you had to have an engineer and a fireman. [The full crew law] was tied to public crossings. If you crossed a public crossing, that’s what kicked the law into effect, in large measure for safety reasons. So I would go over there, and of course there’s a lot of crossings that go up and down on the east side, along the right-of-way going out toward the airport. The Valley Division went through Pine Bluff and then down to McGehee and then on into Alexandria, Louisiana. So the Junction Bridge was the bridge we used primarily.
Hays spoke about what he, Little Rock Mayor Jim Dailey and Pulaski County Judge Buddy Villines envisioned for the unused Rock Island and Junction bridges.
In the early ‘90s, I was part of a program called the Mayor’s Institute of Urban Design. There’s several of them around the country and the one that I was a part of spent two or three days in Atlanta, then we spent two or three days in Chattanooga. While we were in Chattanooga, they have what they call the Walnut Street Bridge, and they had converted that bridge to a pedestrian bridge — totally pedestrian — and so I saw what they had done with that bridge. And I took a trip to Portland, and I think they converted a rail bridge and/or road bridge to a pedestrian — partly-pedestrian bridge. I’m not sure what the name of it is. So the concept of turning a bridge into a modern public use was not a foreign concept to me in recognizing what other communities had done and how they did it. Obviously, there are all sorts of different ways for them to do it.
We had a pretty unique opportunity here in central Arkansas. Buddy and Jim and I worked on a variety of things that jointly could make central Arkansas a much better place — we felt — to live. And the unique opportunity we had were the six bridges that joined Little Rock and North Little Rock. We thought a lot alike about creating an urban environment, trying to redo a downtown environment, how if the core of the community was unhealthy that the entire community was unhealthy. We started learning about different things, about why you wanted to revive an urban lifestyle.
Transportation — the interstate system started in the ‘50s, and really, to me in many respects, destroyed the urban vitality of areas all over the country. So, you were having challenges in trying to provide a healthy and livable place in the urban core for people to live and work and learn and play and do all the things that really made a community much better. And North Little Rock was particularly challenged in many respects because we were surrounded by other jurisdictions: Little Rock in the south across the river; Maumelle out west; Camp Robinson to the north; Sherwood to the north-northeast; and then, in some respects, a lot of improvements have been made, but the flat Delta land had some flood-prone issues. If there are large mosquitoes as there are on the eastern side of our city, the Delta kind of land was more challenging to grow. So we were pretty well surrounded. Fort Smith, maybe, was the only other city in Arkansas, perhaps a little bit in Texarkana, but they still had areas to grow. They weren’t hemmed in by other cities, and then had some geographic challenges or topographical challenges.
So it was real important for me to try to develop the kind of urban environment that would cause people to want to live in that environment. North Little Rock, we had a census one year after I arrived at City Hall in 1989, and we grew a little bit, but for the first time in the city’s history, I think it was the census of 2000, we lost population. We’d been pretty flat since the 1960s. We’d grown by 8,000 to 10,000 people up until the 1960s, but then we pretty well flattened out, and a large reason was because we didn’t have areas to grow by annexation. So I saw my responsibility was to try to create it because we were probably one of the more urban cities because of what I just mentioned.
So [I was] trying to do anything that I could, and the city of North Little Rock could do, to create the kind of an environment that would fertilize growth. And quality growth to me was what other areas were then starting to do to try to revive their urban cores. So, the heart of our urban core and the major asset that we neglected for 50 years or more, maybe 100 years or more, was the Arkansas River. Water has historically… that was our first highway. The rails obviously were second, and then the highways were basically our third — the interstate system particularly.
Hays, Dailey and Villines worked together to negotiate with Union Pacific to address liability concerns to keep the Rock Island and Junction bridges from being torn down so that they could eventually be utilized in a new way.
It was a natural for me to want to encourage the city to be a part of the effort to preserve those bridges because once they’re down, they never would come back. And the Corps of Engineers, because of hazards to navigation, mandates that after a certain period of time — with some exceptions, which I think were granted in the cases of the Junction Bridge and the Rock Island Bridge — are mandated to be taken down. So that hammer was hanging over us and the cost was also hanging over Union Pacific; so there was some opportunity to negotiate with them because of trying to utilize those bridges, and then once they’re utilized again, then they’re no longer a hazard of navigation and there’s not a mandate to tear them down. So we obviously became quick allies.
The fenced Rock Island Bridge over the Arkansas River in January 1994. At that time, Union Pacific was planning to scrap the bridge with the lift span to be used for a bridge in the state of Washington. Photo: Michael Hibblen
Preserving those bridges was a no-brainer, if you want to put it that way, and so the three of us started working together when the site was picked for the [presidential] library. Part of the appeal of that site was because there was an abandoned rail bridge that could be used to be a part of the campus. And they had hoped to raise enough money, the [Clinton] Foundation did, to open the bridge at the same time they dedicated the library, [but] they weren’t able to do that. So they took on the primary fundraising, the foundation did, to try to do the rehabbing of the bridge. I know that they had, I think, a $1 million contribution from Little Rock. I’m not sure exactly how the ownership issues were at the time, whether Little Rock owned it. I don’t think the foundation ever owned it. So when the foundation sort of took the lead in saving it, I took the city council a request for $750,000.
With plans underway to raise money and eventually renovate the Rock Island Bridge, Mayor Hays began working to prepare the North Little Rock side of the bridge for what it would become.
At the time, the city’s ownership of the land came to the seawall, and then it was in private hands for about two blocks until it got to Riverfront Drive. I didn’t want something to be built there at the end of the bridge that would block public access to our end of the bridge, so when I went to the city council and asked for $750,000, I put two conditions on our donation. One: that we would be able to use some of those funds to acquire the land that was at the north end of the bridge up to Riverfront Drive, and I think we acquired that for somewhere in the $300,000 range. The second condition that I wanted, because I had been familiar with the landings of the Big Dam Bridge, and they were pretty well straight — and because I’m a bicyclist at heart and in many respects, in reality, bicyclists and pedestrians don’t mix real well unless they each respect each other. Bicyclists sometimes would go pretty fast down the Big Dam Bridge on both sides of the river. North Little Rock, we have one [ramp], in Little Rock [there are] two, but they’re pretty well straight shots. So I wanted to try to do something that would minimize that kind of a conflict — to be able to curve [the ramp off the Rock Island Bridge] so that it would have some natural tendency to slow people down and provide a little bit more of an aesthetic kind of an ending to our side of the bridge. And so both [conditions] were agreed to.
The change of design probably was somewhere between $100,000 and $150,000 in additional cost. So, for our $750,000, we’ll say somewhere between $450,000 and $500,000 was because of those two requirements, and then the other $250,000 to $300,000 was to help fund some of the remaining obligations of rehabilitation of the bridge for pedestrian use. So we put some of our money where our mouth was to — in my mind — enhance the north side of the bridge.
There were a couple other things that I did which I thought were appropriate. Just before the bridge was dedicated, there was a little two-block stretch that runs parallel to our end of the landing on the bridge. It had a name, but it wasn’t a name that had a whole lot of history to it, maybe a tree designation. So I went to the city council and got them to agree and the landowners, made sure nobody objected to naming that Virginia Kelly Drive, which was Bill Clinton’s mother.
When we dedicated the bridge, I told him, “Mr. President, any time that you’re telling anybody directions to come to the north end of the bridge, it’ll be easy to remember.” And I had a street sign made up that had his mother’s name on it. And I said, “Just tell them to come along Riverfront Drive until they get to Virginia Kelly Drive,” and there’s your end of the bridge.
Then the last thing I did — in fact, the last day I was in office — I was working on this on December 31, 2012. There’s another street that’s three or four blocks. It was named Brother Paul Drive. Paul Holderfield was pretty much an institution, had the Friendly Chapel Soup Kitchen and Church of the Nazarene down there. So his name was on that street — it still is on part of it — but I’d gone to his son, Paul [Holderfield] Jr., and told him what I wanted to do about that two or three block stretch that runs east and west. I thought it’d be nice to name that after Hillary [Clinton’s] mother Dorothy Rodham. So the city council, everybody went along with it, and shortly after I left office — all of the nods had been put in place, so the city council renamed that street Dorothy Rodham. So now we have Virginia Kelly and Dorothy Rodham that meet together right at the north end of the Clinton Bridge, a la the Rock Island Bridge. And I went ahead and put a little bench there — or my successor Joe Smith did — but it was something I wanted to do, and I call that my Forrest Gump bench. So there’s a little bench there that is at the north end of our bridge. So that’s part of the success.
Hays expressed great satisfaction with the project to preserve the former railroad bridges.
I don’t know if when we started the efforts that we felt like we would be able to do it — the cost was pretty significant. It was a dream and a goal and a desire, but certainly some of the things that helped make that happen, probably one of the largest of which was the president selecting that site for his presidential library. Now on the Junction Bridge, we were much more of a financial player, the two cities and the county — still are, for that matter, in terms of the operation and maintenance of it. But the Rock Island Bridge, the partnerships of the Clinton Foundation and the two cities and the county, the asset is, I won’t say greater than the Junction Bridge, but because of the design [with a ramp not requiring people to take stairs or an elevator up to the lift span like on the Junction Bridge] makes it a whole lot more pedestrian friendly in many respects. So that’s a no brainer, you know, a goal, a desire, a hope that because of a variety of circumstances, the reality happened and the public is, I’m sure, very enjoyable in having those two structures available and can be used.
Hays speaks during a dedication ceremony for the bridge on Sept. 30, 2011. Photo: Michael Hibblen
AUDIO: Hays’ remarks during the dedication ceremony for the Rock Island Bridge on Sept. 30, 2011.
UPDATE: A few weeks after Hays’ death, former Pulaski County Judge Buddy Villines — who served in the position from 1991 to 2014 — died on Oct. 21, 2023, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. He was 76. Some referred to Villines, Hays and Dailey as “the three amigos” for their collaborative work to improve the region while they were in office.
Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, 36-year broadcasting veteran, photographer, interested in radio, TV and railroad history, author and host of the book and podcast series Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas.
August has been quite a month at Arkansas PBS. The network received 18 nominations for the 47th annual Mid-America EMMY Awards/NATAS and was a finalist for 11 Public Media Awards in the National Educational Telecommunications Association’s 55th annual competition. I can’t take credit for those — the recognition is just another example of the incredible caliber of work produced by colleagues who I’ve gotten to know since starting here at the beginning of the year.
Each month, Arkansas PBS produces a promo showcasing what will be airing that month. For August, Mackenzie Holtzclaw and I recorded this preview of what was ahead.
We also had a couple of especially strong episodes of Arkansas Week, which I oversee production of. We had important topics with hosts Steve Barnes and Dawn Scott doing a great job of interviewing the guests.
On August 25, two days after former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson took part in the highly anticipated first Republican presidential debate, he joined us on Arkansas PBS to discuss his performance and what’s next in his long shot bid for the White House. He only narrowly met the minimum qualifications to participate in the debate, with his campaign announcing on the Sunday before Wednesday’s event that he had received enough individual donations. Then in the second segment, Democratic political consultant Michael Cook, Republican political consultant Bill Vickery and UCA political science professor Dr. Heather Yates offered analysis of the debate.
A key question now is whether Hutchinson’s exposure in the first debate, along with his campaigning, will be enough to expand support and enable him to meet requirements to participate in the second debate, scheduled for Sept. 27 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute in California.
On the August 18 episode of Arkansas Week, U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman was a guest to discuss the potential economic boom that south Arkansas could experience as companies, including ExxonMobil, are expanding the extraction of lithium. The metal is a key ingredient for electric vehicle batteries. Some projections suggest up to 15% of the world’s lithium could come from the Upper Jurassic Smackover Foundation that runs through the extreme southern end of the the state.
Then the second segment delved into a loosening of state child labor laws during the most recent session of the Arkansas General Assembly. There are concerns the changes could lead to kids being exploited and injured or killed in workplace accidents. Attorney Cara Butler with the Mitchell Williams law firm explained the two laws passed by the legislature, while Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families Keesa Smith discussed her concerns.
Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, 36-year broadcasting veteran, photographer, interested in radio, TV and railroad history, author and host of the book and podcast series Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas.
A fundraiser was held in northeast Arkansas on Saturday, August 12, to benefit Johnny Cash’s boyhood home. Rosanne Cash, Rodney Crowell and Sarah Jarosz performed in the first annual “Sunken Lands Songwriting Circle,” held in a theater on the Arkansas State University campus. It featured a new format compared to previous concerts over the past 12 years and replaced the Johnny Cash Heritage Festival, with the last in-person event taking place in 2019 before being put on hold by the pandemic.
John Leventhal and Rosanne Cash open Saturday’s concert with the song “The Sunken Lands.” All Photos: Michael Hibblen
For three years, the annual show had been held in a field next to the small Cash family farmhouse. But Dr. Ruth Hawkins, former director of the university’s Arkansas Heritage Sites program, which oversaw the restoration of the home and nearby Dyess colony, told me there were challenges in holding the event there without the needed infrastructure for the crowd it attracted. A virtual event was held in 2021 with Rosanne and husband John Leventhal hosting an intimate performance with just the two inside the boyhood home.
This year’s concert featured Rosanne, Rodney and Sarah rotating songs, singing several of their own, as well as a few Johnny Cash songs. They played acoustic guitars in front of a crowd of several hundred, including many people who had been key in preserving the house more than a decade ago when the dilapidated structure seemed almost like a lost cause.
Most songs were introduced with poignant stories. While one singer would perform, the other two sat and listened. Each was accompanied on guitar by Leventhal, who was referred to as their band. After the show, Rosanne told me, “Tonight’s concert was such a beautiful, moving event for me. I felt like I was in the audience part of the time and it warms my heart to see how many people are supporting the boyhood home project.”
I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing her a few times over the years since the university acquired the home and held its first fundraising concert in 2011. If you would like to learn more about the background of this amazing project, you can find links to some of my previous reports at the bottom.
Rosanne Cash spoke briefly during a reception before Saturday’s show. She said snacks provided were prepared using her grandmother Carrie Cash’s recipes. “I had a friend run out here and grab me a banana pudding before it disappeared,” Cash told the crowd.
In the audience Saturday was Kevin Kresse, the sculptor selected by a state committee to make a statue of Johnny Cash that will soon represent Arkansas in the U.S. Capitol along with one of Little Rock civil rights leader Daisy Bates. Kresse told me he was at the foundry last week, which is casting the bronze statue using his clay model and is really pleased with how it’s coming along.
Each state has two statues on display in the Capitol, with Arkansas’ current statues being more than a century old featuring attorney Uriah Rose and former governor and U.S. Senator James P. Clark. When then-Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed legislation in 2019 to replace them with Cash and Bates, he said he hoped to have unveiling ceremonies before the end of his term in January. But the process of getting the needed federal approvals has taken longer than originally hoped. It’s now expected that separate ceremonies for each of the new statues can take place this fall or next spring.
Rosanne Cash spoke about the statue of her dad at one point during the concert, praising Kresse for his work. On display in the lobby of the theater were a bust of the Cash statue and a three-foot maquette of the full figure. She encouraged audience members to take a good look at them. There had been hesitation about having a sculptor make the statue, Rosanne later told me, but said she’s extremely pleased with how the project is coming along.
“My family was nervous about how it would turn out. Would Kevin really be able to see the subtleties of my dad’s bone structure and his demeanor and his dignity? Kevin got all of it,” she said. “It was really remarkable and deeply moving that he really took in who my dad was and that comes through in the sculpture, the statue — it’s beautiful — I’m really proud.”
John Leventhal, Rosanne Cash, Sarah Jarosz and Rodney Crowell got a rousing ovation at the conclusion of Saturday’s concert.
After the concert, all four of the performers took part in a meet-and-greet with the crowd. A long line snaked outside of a room to the side of the auditorium with the musicians talking at length with people, signing autographs and posting for photos.
It really was a great event and Rosanne said, “I’ll be back next year.” I’m looking forward to it!
Thousands Attend Fundraiser To Restore Johnny Cash Home
August 5, 2011, KUAR News
The project to restore the boyhood home got a strong start with this first concert featuring four generations of the Cash family, including daughter Rosanne Cash, son-in-law Rodney Crowell and son John Carter Cash, as well as longtime friends Kris Kristofferson and George Jones.
The restoration of Johnny Cash’s Boyhood Home
February 29, 2012, Arkansas Times
On what would have been Cash’s 80th birthday, family members and university officials joined fans and residents in Dyess to formally mark the beginning of work to restore the home. Ray and Carrie Cash moved with their children to the community in 1935, which was created as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Depression-era New Deal program.
Johnny Cash’s Boyhood Home Tells The Story Of A Town
Dec. 29, 2012, NPR News In a story that aired nationally on NPR’s Weekend Edition, I reported how nearly a decade after Cash’s death, fans still traveled from around the world to see the place he described as key to his development. Plans called for turning the house into a museum — serving not only as a tribute to Cash, but also to tell the unique history of the town.
Rosanne Cash Reflects As Opening Of Johnny Cash Boyhood Home Nears
Nov. 25, 2013, KUAR News
Ms. Cash performed in Little Rock in advance of the release of her album The River & The Thread, with songs focused on the southern region of the country. Some of the songs were set in Arkansas and inspired, she said, by her experiences watching the restoration of the home and community where her father was raised.
Hundreds Turn Out For Dedication Of Johnny Cash Boyhood Home
August 17, 2014, KUAR News
After years of restoration work, a grand opening ceremony was held for the Cash house. The original wooden walls and flooring were restored and furnishings inside were identical to how the home looked when Cash grew up there, said his surviving brother and sister.
Legislation to place statues of Johnny Cash, Daisy Bates in U.S. Capitol signed into law
KUAR News, April 11, 2019
Statues of singer Johnny Cash and Little Rock civil rights leader Daisy Bates will eventually represent Arkansas in the U.S. Capitol. Gov. Hutchinson was joined by members of the Cash family and the goddaughter of Bates for a bill signing ceremony at the state Capitol.
Final modifications being made for Arkansas’ statues of Daisy Bates and Johnny Cash
Sept. 11, 2021, KUAR News
Sculptors creating the statues were finalizing designs before being submitted to federal officials for approval. During a committee meeting, the artists discussed subtle changes that had been made or were being considered to make the statues more accurate.
Sculptor discusses inspiration in making Johnny Cash statue for U.S. Capitol
June 28, 2021, KUAR News
Artist Kevin Kresse, who was selected by the state to create the statue of Cash, spoke with me on KUAR’s Not Necessarily Nashville about his appreciation for the musician and what inspired him in this project.
Rosanne Cash honored by ASU, meets sculptor of Johnny Cash statue for U.S. Capitol
May 7, 2022, KUAR News
Ms. Cash received an honorary doctoral degree from Arkansas State University for her work on the project to restore her dad’s boyhood home. She also met with the sculptor making the statue of Johnny Cash and was interviewed by me while getting her first look at a bust of the statue.
Work advances on statues of Daisy Bates, Johnny Cash for U.S. Capitol
Oct. 27, 2022, KUAR News
The architect of the U.S. Capitol notified the state that approval had been granted for a bronze statue of Bates to be cast. Meanwhile, the sculptor of the Cash statue said he had completed work on a clay model and was preparing to submit a packet of material for approval.
Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, 36-year broadcasting veteran, photographer, interested in radio, TV and railroad history, author and host of the book and podcast series Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas.
I’m nearing six months into a new job at Arkansas PBS, greatly enjoying working in a new environment with a different set of challenges and the opportunity to try new things. This is my first time working exclusively in television and video-related digital media, but I’m still using the journalism basics that are instilled after decades of being a radio reporter, anchor, editor and manager. I started on Jan. 3 as Senior Producer/Director of Public Affairs.
After accepting the job and giving five weeks notice to longtime employer KUAR-FM 89.1, I posted on social media about my career change.
I won’t change my profile photo just yet, but after 34 years in radio, the last 13 at @kuarpublicradio, today I submitted my resignation letter. On Jan. 3, I’ll begin at @ArkansasPBS as Senior Producer/ Director of Public Affairs. Looking forward to new adventures!
My last day at KUAR was Dec. 30, 2022, capping more than three decades in radio. I had been with the NPR station at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock since 2009, serving as news director for the last 10 years. While I have a deep love for the medium of radio and podcasts, this was an exciting chance to work in a new realm and help expand news coverage on Arkansas PBS.
For much of my time at KUAR, I had also appeared regularly on the television network’s flagship public affairs program Arkansas Week, taking part in journalist roundtable discussions on the state’s top political stories. I also occasionally filled in hosting the show and was involved in special coverage, including asking questions of political candidates at debates hosted by Arkansas PBS and its predecessor AETN.
Already knowing several people working at the television network helped in the transition to the new job. I’m working mostly in a managerial, behind the scenes role. Our coverage is seen on 10 television channels throughout Arkansas, covering 96% of the state. I’ve always enjoyed editing video, but never had an opportunity to do it in a professional setting other than a few videos I produced for KUAR’s website, like one of the 2014 dedication of Johnny Cash’s boyhood home or a 2022 interview with cartoonist Stephan Pastis.
Arkansas Business reporter Kyle Massey, who covers media-related issues and has written extensively about KUAR and Arkansas PBS over the years, had a column about my career change in the Dec. 12 issue.
One clarification from what Kyle wrote, I wasn’t planning on taking the reel-to-reel recorder with – that belonged to the station – but yes on moving the extensive collection of personal items from my office, including vintage microphones, hundreds of cassettes, and other items I’d kept there over the years.
One of my new responsibilities is overseeing production of Arkansas Week, which marked its 40th anniversary in February. Having been involved in the program in the past, it was a joy helping to produce a segment looking at its history. I interviewed several former regulars on the program, as well as longtime host Steve Barnes. The six-minute segment, which was masterfully edited by producer Jennifer Gibson, aired on the Feb. 17 episode.
The full interviews ended up being so good that we also posted many of those online. You can watch Steve Barnes share not only details of his experiences on Arkansas Week, but his background on how he came to work in television. Also available are the interviews with Ernie Dumas of the Arkansas Gazette, Gwen Moritz of Arkansas Business, and Rex Nelson of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
While my job duties are primarily behind the scenes, I’m comfortable appearing on camera as needed — whatever it takes to land an interview, facilitate live coverage or help on the air during pledge drives. Four days before Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ education reform legislation was filed in the Arkansas General Assembly, I interviewed state Education Secretary Jacob Oliva about the proposal in the rotunda of the state Capitol.
Interviewing Arkansas Education Secretary Jacob Oliva in the state Capitol about the governor’s education proposal on Feb. 16, 2023. Photo: Arkansas Department of Education
The first 10 minutes of my interview was featured in the opening segment of Arkansas Week. We posted an additional six minutes of the interview as an online-only feature with Oliva providing more details on how he was envisioning the proposal, which Sanders had said was her top priority when coming into office.
As part of our state political and government coverage, I also oversee the streaming of live events on the Arkansas Citizens Action Network (AR-CAN), which is included on the Arkansas PBS website. That can involve lining up a crew to shoot events like government meetings or using Zoom and similar services to stream meetings. Some events are of major political interest, while others are offered as a public service to allow viewers to see the inner workings of government.
Reporting live on Sanders’ education proposal for AR-CAN
After Sanders came into office advocating for an overhaul of the state’s education system, we covered several rallies and events on the topic. Some of the coverage included me reporting live, along with the full speeches and interviews with lawmakers.
Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced details of her education proposal on Feb. 8, 2023 with legislators behind her on the steps leading to the House of Representatives chamber. Photo: Michael Hibblen
In the weeks before the education bill was filed, Sanders provided a few details of what would be included during several rallies. The first was on Jan. 19, with Sanders speaking in the state Capitol rotunda at an event organized by the Arkansas chapter of Americans for Prosperity. She noted for the first time that the changes would be incorporated into one large omnibus bill, and as expected, would include a voucher program allowing parents to use state funds for private, parochial or home schooling.
On Feb. 8, Sanders held a press conference in front of the steps leading to the Arkansas House of Representatives chamber to unveil details of her education proposal called the LEARNS Act. Exact language of the bill would not be released for another couple of weeks.
The 145-page bill was filed at the end of the day on Feb. 20. It was apparent just from the number of sponsors that there was more than enough support for the legislation to pass, with Republicans holding supermajorities in both chambers.
On the day after the bill was introduced, Sanders spoke during a Feb. 21 rally at the Capitol, this time as part of Home School Day.
In the span of just over two weeks, the bill sailed through the legislature. Many Democrats, educators and parents argued there wasn’t sufficient debate for such sweeping changes. The bill was the topic of several episodes of Arkansas Week, with lawmakers from both major parities debating for and against it. Sanders signed the bill into law on March. 8, which we also streamed live.
Surrounded by supporters and family, Gov. Sanders signs the LEARNS Act into law on March 8. Photo: Michael Hibblen
Another key issue during the legislative session, which was discussed heavily on Arkansas Week, was criminal justice reform. With it and education taking up so much time, it was reported that this year’s session saw the fewest number of bills passed since 1971. Lawmakers formally adjourned on May 1.
Beyond my Public Affairs department, it has been fascinating to learn about how Arkansas PBS operates and the many things it is involved in. The original productions, ranging from educational kids programming to more serious topics, have been especially interesting to see being produced. We have a podcast studio equipped with three cameras that was most recently used for a grant-funded series called The Growing Season. Even the annual Arkansas Governor’s Quiz Bowl championship for high school students was fun. My role in the April 22 broadcast, which featured seven rounds each lasting about an hour, was controlling the buzzer as participants competed.
During two nights of our spring pledge drive I appeared on-camera pitching for viewer support. One evening was during PBS NewsHour and Nature. The other was while airing three documentaries produced in the 1990s by the late Arkansas television journalist Jack Hill. In between each one, Casey Sanders and I interviewed the authors of a book about Hill and his former wife.
Bob Cochran and Dale Carpenter discuss their book about Jack Hill alongside his former wife Anne Hill during an evening when we aired three of his documentaries. Photo: Kai Caddy/Arkansas PBS
Walking Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin through Arkansas PBS before taping an episode of Arkansas Week on Feb. 3, 2023 . Photo: Attorney General’s Office
Moving forward, I hope to continue expanding digital offerings by Arkansas PBS, especially for news-related events. It’s a pleasure working with an impressive team of professionals. It’s also an honor being part of a television network that I grew up watching with a deep history in the state.
Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, 36-year broadcasting veteran, photographer, interested in radio, TV and railroad history, author and host of the book and podcast series Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas.
I was saddened to learn of the death of national talk show host Jim Bohannon from cancer on Saturday, Nov. 12. It happened about a month after he ended his long-running late-night radio program citing health issues. Bohannon had been very influential to me when I was starting my career, and years later, I was proud to report regularly from Miami for his “America in the Morning” program. I also got the opportunity to join him once live in the studio during his late-night show.
Bohannon had a warmth that radiated through the radio, along with intelligence, wit and an amazing voice. He was very comfortable to listen to. While acknowledging that his personal political beliefs were slightly conservative, Bohannon maintained a middle-of-the-road style on the air, at least in the years I was a regular listener.
“Our political system gives the extremes too much of a say-so. We’re very often given the choice between an off-the-wall, right-wing whacko or some left-wing idiot. The result is that the sensible center – where things actually get done in this country – winds up having to choose from the ‘evil of two lesser,” Bohannon said in an interview with Inside Radio.
Nineteen years later, in today’s era of hyper-partisan commentary, I think his comments can also be reflective on one reason so many once-dominant commercial news and talk stations have low ratings.
I became familiar with Jim Bohannon around 1990 when I would hear him on Little Rock affiliate KARN-AM 920 while driving home from my evening shift as a DJ at KLRA-FM 96.5 in England, Ark. He often filled in for Larry King on the Mutual Broadcasting System and had his own Saturday night show on the network. After King left the late-night show for an afternoon radio program in January 1993, Bohannon got the coveted slot.
In May 1993, I was hired by KARN as a news anchor, reporter and producer. It was then that I started hearing “America in the Morning,” which Bohannon also hosted. After the three-hour late-night program ended, he would spend the next three hours preparing the hour-long morning program, which was more of a magazine-style format and seemed to be a great lead-in for morning drive at affiliates. It must have been a grueling all-night shift for him.
In 2000, when I began working as a Miami-based freelance reporter for CBS News Radio, I would also file two-minute reports for “America in the Morning.” At that time, CBS and Bohannon’s programs were distributed by Westwood One, and they shared news content. I was one of two people CBS had in Florida, and between the two of us, we would travel around the state to cover stories of national interest.
At a time when reports for commercial radio stations typically ran 40 seconds at the most, it was a treat to produce longer versions of my stories that I felt provided better context and perspective. I could use several soundbites, and if they were strong, longer cuts, like exchanges during interviews or courtroom trials. The reports for “America in the Morning” would typically be the last thing I would produce after a day of covering developing stories and feeding reports for CBS hourly newscasts. The longer reports provided a chance for me to reflect on what had happened during the span of the day and how best to sum everything up.
While my reports to CBS would be fed to a producer in New York over phone lines using an expensive piece of equipment called a Comrex Hotline, which the network had assigned to me, my reports for Bohannon’s show were simply emailed as an MP3. While I saved those reports, for my own archives, I wanted to have Bohannon’s introductions to my reports. So during one trip to New York to spend a few days at the CBS Broadcast Center, I stopped at the Arlington, Virginia Westwood One studios where Bohannon’s program was based and his producer gave me access to recordings of the full programs so that I could record.
Jim Bohannon came in to do his program and we met for the first time. While making polite conversation about a story I had filed a day or two earlier about a large number of passengers becoming sick on a cruise ship that returned to South Florida, he invited me to join him on the air during a segment when he had no guests scheduled and was taking calls from listeners.
AUDIO: Joining Jim Bohannon on his national radio program on Dec. 2, 2002.
Needless to say, it was an honor to sit in with Bohannon. We’ve lost another great broadcaster and a throw back to a more congenial era of broadcasting.
Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, 36-year broadcasting veteran, photographer, interested in radio, TV and railroad history, author and host of the book and podcast series Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas.
On the web since 2002, this is the online home of broadcasting news veteran Michael Hibblen. I've worked for newspapers, radio and TV stations around the country, with this website telling the story of my career, including audio, photos and videos. Also featured are various interests I've researched, primarily about radio and railroads. Today I'm Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, overseeing production of the program "Arkansas Week" and the streaming of events on the Arkansas Citizens Access Network. The posts on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Arkansas PBS or my former employers.
My Book
Released by Arcadia Publishing in 2017, Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas delves into the history of the railroad which once had a huge footprint in Arkansas, as well as other states in the middle of the U.S. The book features historic photos and tells the story of the Rock Island, which was shut down in March 1980. READ MORE
For 13 years, from May 2009 to December 2022, I worked for NPR station KUAR-FM 89.1 at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. That included 10 years as News Director while continuing to anchor and report. You can read and hear reports from that time on Little Rock Public Radio's website.