Guy Winters on March 12, 1975 in a photograph that accompanied a front page story for the Oklahoma Times. The caption said “Guy Winters, road foreman of engines for the Rock Island railroad at El Reno, examines a track joint in the switching yard.” Oklahoma Publishing Company Photography Collection.
I’m sad to report that Guy Winters, who worked for the Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas and other states, has died. He was 84. Jerry Oates, president of the Rock Island Club, says Oates died Wednesday, October 3, 2018 after suffering a stroke a few days earlier.
I sat down with Guy at his house in Ward to record an interview with him on February 7, 2016 to document his experiences with the railroad. He was one of several members of his family to work for the Rock Island. He started as a messenger at the Little Rock passenger station, soon got a position as a brakeman, then engineer in Arkansas. Later, Winters became road foreman of engines at El Reno, Oklahoma, and for a brief time also worked out of Des Moines, Iowa.
He had a lot of great stories, including one that opened up with, “I don’t know if I should tell this…” always an indicator you’re about to hear something dramatic. It was about a mistake he made that could have caused a horrific accident by his train plowing into the backed of a parked passenger train. Another vivid story involved him slipping from a floorboard while a train was moving at a fast speed, which left him dangling from the side. If you have a chance, listen to my interview with Guy. He had some fascinating stories with great, vivid details..
His memorial service will be Saturday, October 6 at Rest Hills Cemetery in Sherwood, which is just off U.S. 67 near the Kiehl Avenue exit, beginning at 10 a.m.

Director of Public Affairs at Arkansas PBS, 36-year broadcasting veteran, photographer, interested in radio, TV and railroad history, author and host of the book and podcast series Rock Island Railroad in Arkansas.